about us



  Completing the architectural design on the desktop constitutes the first step. The realization of the building is a process as complex as the design process.

  The employer's decision inquiry under construction site conditions, difficulties in material procurement, work organization and similar factors may require reinterpretation of the architectural project. The instant decision can cause difficulties in the next construction step. The consultancy service prevents the loss of time and money by foreseeing the problems in the integrity of the business and warning the employer to take action.

In summary, the scope of our service is to ensure that the structures are produced in accordance with the projects and technical specifications and in accordance with the requirements and qualifications of the work.


  MIV Consultancy has extensive knowledge and experience in planning, design and especially project implementation services of buildings. MIV Consultancy provides services in the following sub-fields of activity within the context of buildings:

 Industrial

 Residential

 Commercial

 Sport / Leisure

 Educational

  MIV Consultancy provides all kinds of services required within the life-cycle of building projects with its employees having expertise in different disciplines and its consultants / partners / sub-contractors, listed but not limited to the following:

 Feasibility and Environmental Impact Assessment Studies

 Geodetic Studies

 Architectural and Engineering Design

 Architectural Design

 Geotechnical Services (Excavation and Support)

 Static and Dynamic Design (Reinforced Concrete, Steel, Precast, etc.)









Constructıon Consultancy

Supervısıon Servıces

Project Management

MıV - Consultıng Engıneerıng, a servıce-orıented company, offers ıdeal solutıons for all kınds of constructıon work.

The requests of the ınvestor become a solutıon partner wıth the customer's own professıonal constructıon consultancy, technıcal expertıse and organızatıonal servıces of all relevant unıts.